Smithville Christian Reformed Chuch

    From infants to seniors, there are many opportunities to meet new people and make new friendships at this church.  If you would like to learn more about any of the ministries we offer, please call or email the office for more information.

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    GEMS | Girls Grades 4 - 8 is a girls' club that meets the first three Wednesday evenings each month from 7 to 8:30 pm (Oct - April). Evenings include Bible study, singing, badge work, crafts, games, and special fun nights and events. It is an opportunity for the girls to meet in a fun environment and grow together, both socially and spiritually, with loving mentors who help them to understand their value in Christ and what it means to follow Him. Register here: 
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    Cadets | Boys Grades 4 - 8
    is a boys' club that meets weekly on Monday evenings from 7 to 8:30 pm (Sept-April). Activities include Bible study, woodworking, kub-kar building and racing, gym nights, and an annual winter and summer campout. Boys are challenged to grow in character and skills, and in what it means to live for Jesus by passionate leaders who seek to model Christ.  Register here:
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    Grade 9 - 12
    It is important for our youth to be mentored by a group of leaders who are passionate about building relationships and modelling Christ as they engage. Teens are challenged at Youth to know God's Word, to put their faith into action, and to discover their God-given gifts and purpose. Activities, games, worship, small group Bible studies and service outings are enjoyed Sunday nights at the church from 7 - 9 pm. Extra events and social nights are planned throughout the year. Short-term mission opportunities are also offered. Youth can join anytime! Contact us for more info.
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    Join a vibrant group (age 18 to 30) that gathers every other Sunday evening, offering a unique blend of community, faith, and practical life skills. Our meetings are a dynamic mix, alternating between engaging social nights and enriching Bible study sessions. It's a fantastic opportunity to grow personally and spiritually. Don't miss out on the chance to connect, learn, and thrive with us!
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    Quest for Faith

    Quest for Faith
    is a class offered to anyone interested in learning more about the Christian Reformed faith, or in becoming a professing member of this church. If you are interested in taking this class please connect with us and our Pastor will gladly set up a time to meet with you.
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    Coffee Break

    Coffee Break Ladies Group
    is a casual setting where women can make new friends, share a cup of coffee, and discover new insights from the Bible. No previous Bible knowledge is necessary. Coffee Break meets Tuesdays, beginning the 3rd week in September, from 9:30 - 11 am. Childcare is provided for the children of ladies attending the Coffee Break program.
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    Men's Life
    Men's Life is a place where men casually meet to share their faith and concerns, with Bible study and prayer. Men's' Life meets bi-weekly on Saturday mornings from 8 - 9:30 am, from October-April.  An empty chair is waiting for you!  Would you like more information? Call our office.
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    Seniors Group
    Seniors Group is a great place for seniors to enjoy fellowship, Bible study and games. We meet Thursday mornings from 9:30 - 11:30 am. Special outings and activities are planned throughout the year. Newcomers are always welcome!
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    COR13's hope is to create a safe space for regular adult social connections; a place where individuals are warmly welcomed and enfolded. Various barriers may prevent individuals from experiencing a sense of community: lack of safe spaces, fear/anxiety, being under the autism spectrum or dealing with other intellectual disabilities, or being unable to drive. COR13 aims to break down these barriers and help participants experience the joy of belonging, and to see the incredible value each person has. Our love for one  another is rooted in the deep love shown to us through Jesus Christ, as spoken of in 1 Corinthians 13. This group meets on certain Friday evenings. 

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    Sew & Share
    Sew & Share is a ministry opportunity for those with a passion for sewing. Sewers are invited to use their skills in this creative group that meets monthly with the purpose of making specific projects for charity, blessing others with the love of Christ both locally and globally.  Contact us to find out more.
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    Discover the the amazing influence grandparents, great-grandparents etcetera can have on the lives of their families. This group meets one Friday evening a month to share and discuss what it means to be an intentional grandparent for this generation and the generations to come.  

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    is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. Each session looks at a different question and is designed to create conversation. No two alpha's look the same - they run in coffee shops, churches, prisons, bars, universities, schools and homes. There is no pressure - no follow up - and no charge. It is an open and informal honest space to explore and discuss life's big questions together.
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    Friendship Ministries is safe place where individuals with intellectual disabilities can be mentored and experience God's love. Friendship ministry meets at Mountainview CRC in Grimsby on Thursday nights, from 7:30 - 9 pm. 

    Smithville CRC


    Next Steps - 1 Connect

    Connect. Attend Sunday morning services and get involved in small group opportunities. Engage with others regularly to find encouragement, love and support.

    Next Steps - 2 Invest

    Invest your time, talents and resources. Plug into a ministry that compliments your giftedness.

    Next Steps - 3 Meet

    Meet with the Pastor. Learn more about the Christian faith and ask any questions.

    Next Steps - 4 Accept

    Accept Christ into your heart. Make a personal decision to follow Him and grow in your faith.

    Next Steps - 5 Profess

    Publicly commit your life to God through Jesus Christ. Become part of the Smithville CRC family through baptism, and/or by public profession of faith.