Sunday Services begin at 10 am.
Sunday Services begin at 10 am.
You'll be warmly welcomed at our main entrance. A volunteer will welcome you at the door. We have valet parking volunteers available to park your car if you would like. At our welcome centre, you can find information on the service, programs we host, and a freindly face to answer all your questions! An usher will be available help you find a seat.
We welcome your children! You will find we have many young and growing families. Nursery care is offered for children ages 0 to 2. Our Sons+Daughters program is for children age 3 to grade 3 and is dismissed partway through the service for a Bible lesson, games and activities!
How should we dress? Some come relaxed and casual, while others prefer to dress up a little. It's a matter of personal choice. Come as you are!
Why do we go to church on Sunday morning? Sunday morning is a time for community to come together and bring praise to God, to connect, and to hear what God has to say to us through the Bible. Together we pray, sing, listen, reflect, give, and respond to His calling. Through the Holy Spirit's work, it is our prayer that the Sunday service transforms us, helping us to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ, and with each other, and that it empowers us to join in God's mission and live out His truth in our daily lives.
Join together for coffee and fellowship! We welcome all for coffee and refreshments after the service. When the weather permits, it may be held outside. We encourage you to stay so we can get to know you, and you can get to know us.
In need of prayer? If you would like someone to pray with you, confidential prayer requests can be made by emailing
Enjoy reading? The church library has a variety of books, study material, DVD's, and other helpful resources for all ages. The library is open before and after each service, and a volunteer will be happy to assist you. We value the importance of providing individuals with helpful tools and resources that can equip us in Christ-like-living.
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Mini-Book Resources!
We have a variety of mini-books available. Feel free to take a read through the list by clicking on the link above, and contact the office if you would like to receive a copy!
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Smithville CRC is a member of the Christian Reformed Church of North America. To learn more about this denomination please visit
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From welcoming entrance space, to inviting worship and social space, this single level facility is fully accessible. We have well thought out and safe child care facilities, meeting rooms filled with natural light, and a full service kitchen. You are welcome to visit any Sunday! We look forward to connecting with you.
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