Christ taught us to serve others and be faithful by using our unique God-given gifts, talents, time, and resources. Jesus tells us that when we serve others, in any capacity, we are in fact serving Him. We want to demonstrate His love within our community. Following are some area initiatives that we are involved in:

We partner with Grimsby Life Centre. To book an appointment please call 905-309-0944.
Financially we support counselling services provided by Grimsby Life Centre. Their qualified counsellors are committed to providing practical and compassionate care, guidance and support for the needs in our community. Areas of care include: family & marital guidance, youth and child support, crisis support, anger management, depression/anxiety support, and addiction counselling. All services are confidential and free of charge.

All people matter, and it is important to our church community to support the tangible needs around us as well. West Lincoln Community Care provides food and emergency assistance for needy families and individuals in the Township of West Lincoln. We are happy to support this ministry throughout the year by various collections for food, clothing, personal items, and financial aid. We also have many volunteers who give of their time on a regular basis, assisting where needed and in its local store. To learn more about their ministry and volunteer opportunities visit

Niagara Christian Gleaners is an initiative in Smithville that seeks to demonstrate Christ’s love and grace by sharing the abundance of produce that we enjoy with those around the world who are in need. Once in operation, there will be 4000-7000lbs of fresh produce delivered each weekday. With the help of hundreds of volunteers, these vegetables will be washed, chopped, dried and packaged under the direction of a nutritionist. As a result, the efforts will produce 6.2 million servings of dried fruit and vegetable mixes that will provide 17,000 meals a day for people around the world in 26 countries! We’ve been part of this excitement, supporting prayerfully, financially, and in other volunteer ways. There will be many more opportunities to get involved, and we pray that through these joint community efforts, we can truly be a blessing to many! To get involved please visit

Since 2013, we have participated in the West Lincoln Loaf of Bread Program, a joint initiative of area churches to offer a weekly home cooked meal to those in our area who could benefit from a solid meal or from the social opportunity it provides. Churches take turns hosting monthly from January till June each year; Smithville CRC is excited to host in October and November of 2019. We support this financially, and also by providing volunteers for hospitality, food preparation, and serving. This is a great opportunity to build relationships with one another and with those who come for a meal.
In additional to local partnerships, Smithville Christian Reformed Church supports:

NEW! We are now able to receive donations toward our general budget and specific denominational and community causes online through the BridgeApp platform. If you would like to donate without going through our mobile app, please click here: Thank you!